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Magnificent dense racemes make delphinium excellent in the border and as a cut flower. The name comes from the Greek for ‘dolphin’ and refers to the shape of the spur containing the nectar. All parts of the plant are toxic if ingested.

Astolat Pacific Giants - Pastel mix in lilac, raspberry and rose. 6’ tall, loves sun but tolerates some shade.

Connecticut Yankee - A delight to grow, this exquisit cottage garden mix comes in an array of blue, lavender, dark blue, purples and white. These saitny blossoms make a great cut flower that rarely needs staking, 24-30” tall.

Black Knight Pacific Giant - This Pacific Giant is excellent for borders and as a acut flower. Likes sun but will tolerate some shade. Covered in stunning, dark purple blooms. 6’ Tall.

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